Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sometimes in life,
You run across a love unknown,
Without a reason, it seems like you, belong.
5:04 PM
Lift the Anchor
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's been an intimidating and challenging first few weeks of school. Tests, not so nice results, exhaustion. Sometimes I wonder, is this all worth it? But God, I shall hang in there, I'm not throwing in the towel, I won't.
It's been tough, persecution, temptations, friendships, school, church. I never thought it'd been easy, but neither did I think it'd be that hard. Still I cling on to God's promise.
For he has shown me a humble boat, that has been anchored there for the longest time. Never moving because of the storms, always still, clinging to the seabed as like a lifeline as though the storm would swallow it up. But now it's time for the humble boat to lift it's anchor and move out to sea. To guide bigger vessels back to shore, to be that strength and support in the storm, because this small humble boat was a tugboat. It's purpose to ferry the big ships to shore and docking. Where they too can enjoy the safe anchoring that God shall provide.
I am that humble boat, the tugboat, it's time to move out, to the open seas when storms can smash into me, when sometimes it seems that the big vessels are too large or too heavy.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Amen to that!
7:48 PM
Sweet sixteen
Monday, January 19, 2009
Been 4 days since i turned 16. Like to say a big thanks to all who celebrated with me and gave me well wishes. Thanks for the numerous tau poks and awesome lan sessions to the home made food and the attempted cake-smash-on-face.
Friday, prayer group gave me a taupok which was a small peek of what was to come later that day and for the next day. Prayer went on as per normal. In the afternoon I was supposed to be surprised but Josie gave it all away over the phone. Well, was still kind of surprised cus of the homemade food. Though it din't taste anything perfect, the effort put into cooking all but just made up for it, awesome. Thanks Pi Wei and Joseph. Celebrated at Istana park, got tau poked, massive and crazy. Reuben just kept jumping, Justin too. Josie's weight alone almost took this life of mine. Went to play lan at e2Max. Played CSS, got pwned big time D: No fair la Reuben and Justin are like professionals. Anyway, we put up quite a fight considering our standards. Abel was like the camper with an AWP xD not to mention his Deagle. HAHAHA.
Saturday, church as usual, God's presence so unusual. Maybe God decided to bless me a little more that day, cus it was my burthday the previous day. What Bro. Andy preached about came about just as though God was speaking to me.
Sunday, went for lunch with my family, birthday lunch. Humble meal, but something I'd always treasure. Shopped a lil bit later with some fellas then went to Serene to study. After that went to see Xue Er off at the airport.
9:09 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
School has started, the monotonous bell rings, the canteen rush, the wild laughter and the air densely diluted in sensitive words. Yeah, it's never been the greatest of things being in an all boys' school. Much less being in one of the not so good classes in the last year of your life there. Homework and exams, it's all part and parcel of school life, ain't it?
It's been a war, a war that tests my everything. It's been stretching and lonesome at times, being in a class that kinda denounces Jesus. Being the only believer in class was never the easiest of tasks, sometimes I feel so out of place that I wish I could be anywhere else but there. Sometimes i brings great joy even sharing. But through it all, I know that I have Christ in me.
Anyway, school has been pretty nonchalant lately, nothing much going on. I've been having many relieve lessons HAH! Yeah that's just great, teachers on MCs and stuff... Started work already, did a compre for english, some math questions, chinese oral (did surprisingly well xP), chem workbook, physics notes.... and the list goes on.
Homework is starting to stream in slowly, did Geogpraphy worksheet on Industry, which i kinda enjoyed :/ I'm a humanities person after all. Oh well, I must say for the 1st homework of the year I had put in an amazing lot of effort into it. Tomorrow I'll be having my 1st history lesson. Just pray that Mrs Tan-Chinh isn't a boring teacher D: amazingly I've had quite a few amazing History teachers last year, each had their share to offer, Mr Kwok drilled the Treaty deep deep in my head, Mr Yap made me uber good at SEQs which i'm quite the thing to beat now :P, Mr (iforgothisname,ohno!) made me improve in SBQ woohoo! From then on I was the complete humanities person.
Well back to the point,I'm looking forward to this year and never turning back! 30 for Christ!
6:34 PM
Responded to the Battlecall, time to be Rad(i)cal
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This year has been a year of renewal and growth, growth like never before. New responsibilities, a new destiny in God, new purposes. The year started off slow and demoralizing. People whom I brought to church the year before were backsliding. Life took a hard knock early this year with more personal issues. However by God's glory and power. Those friends whom backslided were coming back, now growing like never before. The personal issues were also resolved and there was a fresh start. The walls which had crumbled earlier this year was restored and strengthened with that added dose of cement and protection which made it harder to crumble. In fact that is one of the visions I have seen along the closure of this year. God was magnificent throughout the year.
Academically, God too was there to oversee everything. Indeed it has not been by my own strength that I picked up the pieces which were shattered last year, but by the power of God. He's been my refuge and my strength amidst the stress of the works. He's been the comforter when I did not do well. But ultimately he brought about a triumphant spirit in me which has seen me end the academic year on a high. Kudos to my study buddies in Vincent and Yu Quan too who were the physical encouragement and everything else.
Friends didn't come easy in the beginning when I entered into upper sec, gradually God positioned each and every friend I have now at different times. Whether is it through the Family church camp where I got to know Abel and Gid so well, or even through the plentiful holiday outings with Josie, Nat and Abel lately, even as simple as constant weekly meals with Ben. Especially the sleepover gang where they have been an encouragement and of great guidance. Sleepovers, talks at meal times, bonding through games. It's been a ball of a time.
Following are dedicated to you guys :)
Pi Wei: HAH! What can I say! God has His great sense of humor. Used to hate each other so badly in our lower sec year. To think that I invited you to church last year! Though initially you came for wrong reasons. You straightened your thinking and since then have been one of the greatest testimony i can share of. Gifted in the art of breakdancing, you had a dream. A dream to enlighten and teach what it meant to dance for God. Though it may not have been fulfilled this year. It still can happen in the near future. That in itself made me question why we jump when we worship. You brought about that conviction in me, never will I forget that. Your vision to one day be an aspiring leader may be dampened by the fact that you'll be in Aussie for the next few years but I believe God can use you in ways that you have never thought of. Our God is a creative God. As you make headways into Aussie, don't falter but grow to be God's mighty man!
Felix: You came together with Pi Wei, like a buy one get one free package. Whereever he went you followed. Unfortunately followed him out of church too. That was like a double blow to me. As if one was not enough, I lost two! But I have to say, you followed Pi Wei back and gave me double portions of rejoicing maybe even quadripple or more! You've been a great addition to cell this year. It's been just great to have you back. Even as Pi Wei leaves for aussie in about a months time. My prayer is that you'll grow deeper in your relationship with God, such that yours willbe a relationship dependant on God and not on man. It's my cry to also see you step out of your comfort zone and begin to take charge of what God has placed in your hands.
Zhi Han: Though new, your simple faith has amazed me. Though you may not have heard or seen visions of God, you simply believed. Happy by nature, your willy atitude has been like the new lease of life in cell. Your honesty, never holding back anything, has been one of the reason that you've been growing so quickly. Hang in there, press on and I believe that you will reap the rewards for what you have sown in many lives you have spoken into even within this short period.
Kai Liang: It took a lot of courage to come clean and repent. I believe that it is not by chance that it happened, but by divine appointment. That afternoon, was not set by man but simply by the grace of God. I hope to see you more often in service. Thanks for rededicating your life back to the hands of God. Your walk may have been rocky but persevere and you will bear fruits.
Abel: Choking you when you're drinking has been a favourite passtime with you around. Similar to me in character and calling. I believe God orchestrated this friendship. Let's continue to keep accountable and stand strong. Your life has also been a great testimony unto God. Rising up in a year is no mean feat. You need to believe in yourself, be confident in what you do. Do not hesitate and think twice, though at times it is good to be cautious, but when God tells you to go, GO!
Gideon: Joker of the year, LAME JOKE. Yes, it's been great having a friend in you. Your jokes simply bring a smile on anyone's down face. Even a troll would smile after being in company with you! You have such great giftings that cannot be taken for granted. Though you went through some rocky patches in life, do know that I'll always be behind you! The coming year will be better!
Nathanael: You arh! ONE KIND! HAHAHA! Yes indeed you are one of a kind. You're a great person to hang out with. Your ah lian poses, choice of words and FPS playing, all one kind! It's been great knowing you thus far. You supposed to be my study buddy next year but decided to go for another education path instead, do know that you'll always have my support and backing. Continue to be that one kind and be an impact to the hardest of soil. All the best kor kor! HAHAHA Next the epic MAMA Josie.
Joseph/MAMA JOSIE: It's been just wild being in your care. I must say you do make a good mother. From our habbits of sharing loads over mealtimes to our shooting craze together with Nat kor kor. To the impartations you left with me. It's just simply been amazing! Even in camp comm, you were that constant encouragement and I must say mother, remember this "You better make sure you your (camp comm) work first before you come out ok!". As every responsible child would I listened HAHAHA. I think there's more to say than words can describe so I'll give you liberty to continue this section. You have also been the center of all jokes I have to admit, for that I'm sorry cus it's simly too iresistable to tease you HAHAHA.
Tata, 2008! Hello 2009!
P.S. This came early as I won't have time to do it the next day :)
1:12 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
T'week has been quite the awesome thing. Activity after activity, starting from shopping on thursday to SP Outing on Friday, the last camp comm meeting on Saturday (the last time we get to be random) and of course, SP Empowerment today! I shall blog more about these when i get back from JB! Woohoo!
Rad(i)cal Camp for the next 4 days!
Stay tuned!
10:04 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Today has been pretty much an ordinary day. Morning woke up, exercise a little. Slack alot. Prayed alot, in fact I did a 2 meal fast for camp (1 meal mandatory for camp com for this week). Played Battlefield 2142 for a while cus i was feeling old school. HAHAHA. Evening left home for church to do some final logistics packing for camp (AHH I'm SO EXCITED!!!)
Joseph was early by 15 minute, me by 7 minutes and tabby by 2 minutes, the rest were late... Joseph actually wanted them to treat us to dinner. Turned out everyone else had dinner before they came. So, too bad hahaha. Once we were done, Joseph and I went to have stingray and Kang Kong, as usual, well of late rather.
Then walked back to church, had to wait for Auntie Jaslyn so i decided to spend my time wisely by being a blessing to the lonely security guard. I had a little chat with him which turned into a little salting. Shared with him quite a bit,which is quite unusual of me to do so with a "stranger". He too shared a little, like his family background, certain reasons which were holding him back from accepting Christ. Though it wasn't successful, I think I have planted a seed somewhere in there. Hopefully one day we'll see him in our adult congregation. Who know?
11:31 PM
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sometimes in life,
You run across a love unknown,
Without a reason, it seems like you, belong.
Time freezed at 5:04 PM
Lift the Anchor
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's been an intimidating and challenging first few weeks of school. Tests, not so nice results, exhaustion. Sometimes I wonder, is this all worth it? But God, I shall hang in there, I'm not throwing in the towel, I won't.
It's been tough, persecution, temptations, friendships, school, church. I never thought it'd been easy, but neither did I think it'd be that hard. Still I cling on to God's promise.
For he has shown me a humble boat, that has been anchored there for the longest time. Never moving because of the storms, always still, clinging to the seabed as like a lifeline as though the storm would swallow it up. But now it's time for the humble boat to lift it's anchor and move out to sea. To guide bigger vessels back to shore, to be that strength and support in the storm, because this small humble boat was a tugboat. It's purpose to ferry the big ships to shore and docking. Where they too can enjoy the safe anchoring that God shall provide.
I am that humble boat, the tugboat, it's time to move out, to the open seas when storms can smash into me, when sometimes it seems that the big vessels are too large or too heavy.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Amen to that!
Time freezed at 7:48 PM
Sweet sixteen
Monday, January 19, 2009
Been 4 days since i turned 16. Like to say a big thanks to all who celebrated with me and gave me well wishes. Thanks for the numerous tau poks and awesome lan sessions to the home made food and the attempted cake-smash-on-face.
Friday, prayer group gave me a taupok which was a small peek of what was to come later that day and for the next day. Prayer went on as per normal. In the afternoon I was supposed to be surprised but Josie gave it all away over the phone. Well, was still kind of surprised cus of the homemade food. Though it din't taste anything perfect, the effort put into cooking all but just made up for it, awesome. Thanks Pi Wei and Joseph. Celebrated at Istana park, got tau poked, massive and crazy. Reuben just kept jumping, Justin too. Josie's weight alone almost took this life of mine. Went to play lan at e2Max. Played CSS, got pwned big time D: No fair la Reuben and Justin are like professionals. Anyway, we put up quite a fight considering our standards. Abel was like the camper with an AWP xD not to mention his Deagle. HAHAHA.
Saturday, church as usual, God's presence so unusual. Maybe God decided to bless me a little more that day, cus it was my burthday the previous day. What Bro. Andy preached about came about just as though God was speaking to me.
Sunday, went for lunch with my family, birthday lunch. Humble meal, but something I'd always treasure. Shopped a lil bit later with some fellas then went to Serene to study. After that went to see Xue Er off at the airport.
Time freezed at 9:09 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
School has started, the monotonous bell rings, the canteen rush, the wild laughter and the air densely diluted in sensitive words. Yeah, it's never been the greatest of things being in an all boys' school. Much less being in one of the not so good classes in the last year of your life there. Homework and exams, it's all part and parcel of school life, ain't it?
It's been a war, a war that tests my everything. It's been stretching and lonesome at times, being in a class that kinda denounces Jesus. Being the only believer in class was never the easiest of tasks, sometimes I feel so out of place that I wish I could be anywhere else but there. Sometimes i brings great joy even sharing. But through it all, I know that I have Christ in me.
Anyway, school has been pretty nonchalant lately, nothing much going on. I've been having many relieve lessons HAH! Yeah that's just great, teachers on MCs and stuff... Started work already, did a compre for english, some math questions, chinese oral (did surprisingly well xP), chem workbook, physics notes.... and the list goes on.
Homework is starting to stream in slowly, did Geogpraphy worksheet on Industry, which i kinda enjoyed :/ I'm a humanities person after all. Oh well, I must say for the 1st homework of the year I had put in an amazing lot of effort into it. Tomorrow I'll be having my 1st history lesson. Just pray that Mrs Tan-Chinh isn't a boring teacher D: amazingly I've had quite a few amazing History teachers last year, each had their share to offer, Mr Kwok drilled the Treaty deep deep in my head, Mr Yap made me uber good at SEQs which i'm quite the thing to beat now :P, Mr (iforgothisname,ohno!) made me improve in SBQ woohoo! From then on I was the complete humanities person.
Well back to the point,I'm looking forward to this year and never turning back! 30 for Christ!
Time freezed at 6:34 PM
Responded to the Battlecall, time to be Rad(i)cal
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This year has been a year of renewal and growth, growth like never before. New responsibilities, a new destiny in God, new purposes. The year started off slow and demoralizing. People whom I brought to church the year before were backsliding. Life took a hard knock early this year with more personal issues. However by God's glory and power. Those friends whom backslided were coming back, now growing like never before. The personal issues were also resolved and there was a fresh start. The walls which had crumbled earlier this year was restored and strengthened with that added dose of cement and protection which made it harder to crumble. In fact that is one of the visions I have seen along the closure of this year. God was magnificent throughout the year.
Academically, God too was there to oversee everything. Indeed it has not been by my own strength that I picked up the pieces which were shattered last year, but by the power of God. He's been my refuge and my strength amidst the stress of the works. He's been the comforter when I did not do well. But ultimately he brought about a triumphant spirit in me which has seen me end the academic year on a high. Kudos to my study buddies in Vincent and Yu Quan too who were the physical encouragement and everything else.
Friends didn't come easy in the beginning when I entered into upper sec, gradually God positioned each and every friend I have now at different times. Whether is it through the Family church camp where I got to know Abel and Gid so well, or even through the plentiful holiday outings with Josie, Nat and Abel lately, even as simple as constant weekly meals with Ben. Especially the sleepover gang where they have been an encouragement and of great guidance. Sleepovers, talks at meal times, bonding through games. It's been a ball of a time.
Following are dedicated to you guys :)
Pi Wei: HAH! What can I say! God has His great sense of humor. Used to hate each other so badly in our lower sec year. To think that I invited you to church last year! Though initially you came for wrong reasons. You straightened your thinking and since then have been one of the greatest testimony i can share of. Gifted in the art of breakdancing, you had a dream. A dream to enlighten and teach what it meant to dance for God. Though it may not have been fulfilled this year. It still can happen in the near future. That in itself made me question why we jump when we worship. You brought about that conviction in me, never will I forget that. Your vision to one day be an aspiring leader may be dampened by the fact that you'll be in Aussie for the next few years but I believe God can use you in ways that you have never thought of. Our God is a creative God. As you make headways into Aussie, don't falter but grow to be God's mighty man!
Felix: You came together with Pi Wei, like a buy one get one free package. Whereever he went you followed. Unfortunately followed him out of church too. That was like a double blow to me. As if one was not enough, I lost two! But I have to say, you followed Pi Wei back and gave me double portions of rejoicing maybe even quadripple or more! You've been a great addition to cell this year. It's been just great to have you back. Even as Pi Wei leaves for aussie in about a months time. My prayer is that you'll grow deeper in your relationship with God, such that yours willbe a relationship dependant on God and not on man. It's my cry to also see you step out of your comfort zone and begin to take charge of what God has placed in your hands.
Zhi Han: Though new, your simple faith has amazed me. Though you may not have heard or seen visions of God, you simply believed. Happy by nature, your willy atitude has been like the new lease of life in cell. Your honesty, never holding back anything, has been one of the reason that you've been growing so quickly. Hang in there, press on and I believe that you will reap the rewards for what you have sown in many lives you have spoken into even within this short period.
Kai Liang: It took a lot of courage to come clean and repent. I believe that it is not by chance that it happened, but by divine appointment. That afternoon, was not set by man but simply by the grace of God. I hope to see you more often in service. Thanks for rededicating your life back to the hands of God. Your walk may have been rocky but persevere and you will bear fruits.
Abel: Choking you when you're drinking has been a favourite passtime with you around. Similar to me in character and calling. I believe God orchestrated this friendship. Let's continue to keep accountable and stand strong. Your life has also been a great testimony unto God. Rising up in a year is no mean feat. You need to believe in yourself, be confident in what you do. Do not hesitate and think twice, though at times it is good to be cautious, but when God tells you to go, GO!
Gideon: Joker of the year, LAME JOKE. Yes, it's been great having a friend in you. Your jokes simply bring a smile on anyone's down face. Even a troll would smile after being in company with you! You have such great giftings that cannot be taken for granted. Though you went through some rocky patches in life, do know that I'll always be behind you! The coming year will be better!
Nathanael: You arh! ONE KIND! HAHAHA! Yes indeed you are one of a kind. You're a great person to hang out with. Your ah lian poses, choice of words and FPS playing, all one kind! It's been great knowing you thus far. You supposed to be my study buddy next year but decided to go for another education path instead, do know that you'll always have my support and backing. Continue to be that one kind and be an impact to the hardest of soil. All the best kor kor! HAHAHA Next the epic MAMA Josie.
Joseph/MAMA JOSIE: It's been just wild being in your care. I must say you do make a good mother. From our habbits of sharing loads over mealtimes to our shooting craze together with Nat kor kor. To the impartations you left with me. It's just simply been amazing! Even in camp comm, you were that constant encouragement and I must say mother, remember this "You better make sure you your (camp comm) work first before you come out ok!". As every responsible child would I listened HAHAHA. I think there's more to say than words can describe so I'll give you liberty to continue this section. You have also been the center of all jokes I have to admit, for that I'm sorry cus it's simly too iresistable to tease you HAHAHA.
Tata, 2008! Hello 2009!
P.S. This came early as I won't have time to do it the next day :)
Time freezed at 1:12 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
T'week has been quite the awesome thing. Activity after activity, starting from shopping on thursday to SP Outing on Friday, the last camp comm meeting on Saturday (the last time we get to be random) and of course, SP Empowerment today! I shall blog more about these when i get back from JB! Woohoo!
Rad(i)cal Camp for the next 4 days!
Stay tuned!
Time freezed at 10:04 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Today has been pretty much an ordinary day. Morning woke up, exercise a little. Slack alot. Prayed alot, in fact I did a 2 meal fast for camp (1 meal mandatory for camp com for this week). Played Battlefield 2142 for a while cus i was feeling old school. HAHAHA. Evening left home for church to do some final logistics packing for camp (AHH I'm SO EXCITED!!!)
Joseph was early by 15 minute, me by 7 minutes and tabby by 2 minutes, the rest were late... Joseph actually wanted them to treat us to dinner. Turned out everyone else had dinner before they came. So, too bad hahaha. Once we were done, Joseph and I went to have stingray and Kang Kong, as usual, well of late rather.
Then walked back to church, had to wait for Auntie Jaslyn so i decided to spend my time wisely by being a blessing to the lonely security guard. I had a little chat with him which turned into a little salting. Shared with him quite a bit,which is quite unusual of me to do so with a "stranger". He too shared a little, like his family background, certain reasons which were holding him back from accepting Christ. Though it wasn't successful, I think I have planted a seed somewhere in there. Hopefully one day we'll see him in our adult congregation. Who know?
Time freezed at 11:31 PM